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 Manner of Speech for FW

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Join date : 2008-02-22

Manner of Speech for FW Empty
PostSubject: Manner of Speech for FW   Manner of Speech for FW Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 4:44 am

(( This was given to me by Lady Nyx ))

Today I would like to take some time to instruct as to the manner of speech Free Woman use. I will try to separate this into “Rules” and “Suggestions”.

-Rules-Free Women do not use foul or obscene language
Free Women do not screech and yell and go into temper tantrums
Free Women do not openly admire in a sexual way, any Free Men, thralls or slaves. Let Me quantify this one. To say, “Admires the play of muscles” is one thing, to say “Drools at those naked muscles, wanting to run My tongue over them” is really out. *chuckles*. We can admire beauty, but keep it in context with being a Free Woman.

Use proper English. It’s difficult to understand what point you are trying to get across when one tries to “type it like it sounds for a Scottish accent”.
Use proper English. No “U” for You, “R” for are. To me, this shows that you are probably on the computer instead of doing homework, and it’s probably grammar homework too *chuckles*
Don’t rush your post. Type it, read it, make sure it says what you mean. If you post something and someone starts getting upset, find out why.

Communication is broken up into this:
What I said
What I meant
What you heard
What you think I meant

-The Gorean “Language”-A word now on the Gorean Language. Almost every webpage (ours included) had a “Gorean Dictionary”. Where this came from, I don’t know for sure. I was told that a linguist took the few words John Norman wrote in the books, and built more on that. There are two views on Gor about this language:

It adds to the ambiance of role-playing that we are on another planet, namely “Gor”; and
It’s stupid and not in the scrolls.

I will never fault anyone for using the Gorean Language. However, some rooms do not allow it, and will very quickly correct you for using it. READ THE WEBPAGE OF THE ROOM BEFORE ENTERING. This will clue you in to whether or not they allow such words as “Jashi” (thank you), “trik” (slave girl) and Ja Kar (My Love).

The words that ARE in the scrolls, include ones You’ve already used *smile* like “Tal”, “Ubar”, “Jarl”. Use these anywhere.

-Emotes-A Free Woman can show much more by actions, than by what she says *evil grin*. All the words I’ve written in between the asterisks, denote action (also called emotes). Watch how it changes the simple phrase….”Oh really?”

*interested look*…”Oh really?”
*arches an eyebrow, incredulously*…”Oh really?”
*wry smile*…“Oh really?”

There are many good emotes you can use in the room from the emotes dropdown. Watch what other people use, or come in and try them all out when you are alone. A Free Woman should NEVER use some of them.

-Smirks and Giggles-I would caution My dear Sisters to stay away from using *smirks* too often to a Rarius. Panther girls use *smirks* a lot, and while it’s not forbidden for Us to smirk at someone, it really isn’t something a Free Woman should do often. Of course, any emote you use must be taken in the context WITH what you have spoken.

Using “giggles” it totally up to you. I only add My observation here, please do not take this personally, or think I am pointing fingers, this is just an observation. Slave girls “giggle”, children “giggle”. Personally, it leaves Me cold if a Rarius posts “giggles” in the room *soft laugh*. If you wish to use “giggles” by all means, do so, it may actually be the way you laugh, and I am not here to change a person’s character with these modules.

-PM (Privately Whispers To) and ICQ-Here’s a tricky subject. Is what is said in PM and on ICQ held against You in the room? Yes and no *wry smile*

Some hold to the belief that anything on ICQ stays on ICQ and not to be “used” against a FW when on on-line Gor. Too many times I have seen the opposite. Remember, the written word lasts longer, and many people are only too willing to waive “transcripts” around to prove their point. You’d be surprised at how many store all ICQ posts for years and years. Here is the way I deal with ICQ;

If I am ICQ’d by one of my Gorean contacts, I quickly establish if “Lady Nyx” is talking to “Conan”(v/t), or if it’s Roxanne speaking with Bob (r/t). If Lady Nyx is speaking with Conan, then I am on Gor, and very aware of how I address the Rarius.

Use your heads here Sisters, don’t do or say ANYTHING without first establishing the limits. If you submit to a collar in ICQ to a Gorean, I don’t care what assurances he has given you, sooner or later everyone will know, and it WILL apply on Gor.

It has been said that anything a FW says in PM is just that, PM, and not to be brought into the open. Mostly, this was for any sexual encounters, since a FW is supposed to be demure and modest *S*. Remember who you are talking to, just like some jocks like to brag in real time about what a hot time you were, so too, some will do this on Gor. It’s not up to them to set the limits you will go to during a sexual encounter, it is up to YOU to set limits, and will ultimately be YOUR fault if anything nasty ensues. Oh, a word of caution, sometimes you forget in the middle of a PM conversation to choose the PM!!! Then whatever You posted comes out in public *grimace*. Everyone has done this at one time. If it’s something embarrassing, immediately, in public POST THAT IT WAS A MISPOST!!!! Get all embarrassed, turn red, blush, whatever, and get on with Your life *chuckles*.

Lambasting a Rarius in PM is treading on tricky ground. KNOW whom you are talking to. They will be only too happy to bring it into the public eye and slap a collar on you, especially if you are winning the debate. Our words, Sisters, are the projections of our thoughts. Our thoughts reflect our intelligence. Our intelligence is really the only weapon Free Women possess on Gor.
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