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 Serving tips

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Join date : 2008-02-22

Serving tips Empty
PostSubject: Serving tips   Serving tips Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 1:36 pm

1. Acknowledge the order- yes Master is sufficient but might want to add as it pleases You or as You wish Master

2. Back away and rise - rise gracefully

3. Go to the servery -

4. Select the correct container - goblet/bowl/mug/tankard/platter

5. Inspect and Wipe - it is not dirty.. you are only insuring that it is perfect for the Master/Mistress. Wipe the edge along your inner arm if in white silks to test for chips and then wipe and polish it. always use a clean rep cloth for wiping it clean

6. Fill the order - Ka-la-na, paga, blackwine, Kal-da, etc.or the requested food items.

7. Return to the Master/Mistress - There is no need to beg permission to approach, once a FP has requested or accepted service, it is assumed they want you to bring them their refreshments.

8. Kneel at the feet of the Master/Mistress - nadu/tower

9. Kiss the side of the vessel

10. Raise your arms extending the drink towards the Master/Mistress in offering.

11. Offer a spoken line or prayer, such as - "Master may this drink and this slave please the Master" -- He then knows it is His turn to speak. Masters or Mistresses then usually take the drink, thank the slave and dismiss her.

12. Thank the Master/Mistress for the opportunity to serve them.

13. Wait to be dismissed

Several things to remember here:

1. while serving never great or speak without permission, if you start a serve then wait till after the Master/Mistress has taken the drink and beg to speak and greet those who entered while you were serving.

2. Remember to be graceful and beautiful. Let your personality show in your serve to the Master/Mistress

3. Remember you are painting a picture of what you are doing, adding little things like how the light dances upon you as you move helps to paint the picture more vividly as all you have here are words.

4. Do NOT copy your sisters however watching them might give you a new way of doing something always be yourself.

5. After greeting you should offer service to the free within the home, if there are several girls in channel or many free you may ask “might a girl be of service to One this day?” or you may message one of the ops to see who might be in need of service.

6. All Mistress’s should be served from the tower position, unless otherwise instructed by your Owner.

The Assassin will bring His own horn.

If you wish to try and serve an Assassin,

ask permission to approach if He allows you to serve Him

grasp the horn by the bottom of it and turn it upside down.

walk to the servery maintaining His line of sight for the vessel (the vessel still upside down) arms length out from you



fill the vessel in His line of view (which means doors stay wide open)

before you head back to Him, grab a footed bowl just in case.

you do not have to ask permission to approach again, the vessel is still kept arms length from your body,

kneel before Him


place the footed bowl to the side and offer His drink to Him

this is the place where He may ask you to test the drink (or food)

pour a small amount in the footed bowl (vessels do not touch) and drink the liquid from the bowl

He will watch you for a moment and then when satisfied offer the drink up to Him again...

A servery described:
"There were several yards of sausages hung on hooks, numerous cannisters of flour, sugars, and salts; many smaller containers of spices and condiments. Two large wine jugs stood in one corner of the room. There were many closed pantries lining the walls, and a number of pumps and tubs on one side. Some boxes and baskets of hard fruit were stored there. I could see the bread ovens in one wall, the long fire pit over which could be put cooking racks, the mountings for spits and kettle hooks; the fire pit was mostly black now, but here and there I could see a few broken sticks of glowing charcoal, aside from this, the light in the room came from one small thalarion oil lamp hanging from the ceiling..."
Assassin of Gor, pages 271-272

Cold Room:
Think of a large walk in freezer. It is not as cold as one we find modern day. The ice is stored in the back left corner. There are shelves as one walks in and shelves in the back right corner (this containing Master Wolfs wines). There are small table islands in the center storing excess meat and other items that cannot fit on the shelves along the walls.

A cooking rack:
"She built up the fire. I watched her. She unfolded and adjusted a single-bar cooking rack, placing it over the fire. From this she suspended a kettle of water. The single bar, which may be loosened in its rings, and has a handle, may also function as a spit."
Renegades of Gor, page 150

"My house, incidentally, like most Gorean houses, had no ice chest. There is little cold storage on Gor. Generally food is preserved by being dried or salted. Some cold storage, of course, does exist. Ice is cut from ponds in the winter, and then stored in ice houses, under sawdust. One may go to the ice houses for it, or have it delivered in ice wagons. Most Goreans, of course, cannot afford the luxury of ice in the summer."
Guardsman of Gor, page 295

One way to cook meat:
"The suspension of the meat reminded me of the way peasant women sometimes cook roasts, tying them on a cord and dangling them, before a fire, then spinning the meat from time to time. In this way, given the twisting and untwisting of the cord, the meat will cook rather evenly, for the most part untended, and without spit turning."
Renegades of Gor, page 120

Cooking on the rence islands:
"Before the feast I had helped the women, cleaning fish and dressing marsh gants, and then, later, turning spits for the roasted tarsks, roasted over rence-root fires, kept on metal pans, elevated above the rence of the islands by metal racks, themselves resting on larger pans."
Raiders of Gor, page 44

Using knives in the servery:
"The ulo, or woman's knife, with its semicircular blade, customarily fixed to a wooden handle, is not well suited to carving. It is better at cutting meat and slicing sinew."
Beasts of Gor, page 262

Serving utensils:
"She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray upon the table. With a tiny spoon, it's tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure."
Tribesmen of Gor, page 89

"With a serving prong she placed narrow strips of roast bosk and fried sul on my plate."
Guardsman of Gor, page 234

Eating utensils:
"I shot the spiced vulo brain into my mouth on the end of a golden eating prong, a utensil, as far as I knew, unique to Turia."
Nomads of Gor, page 84

"The horn spoon snapped in his hands, and he angrily threw the pieces into his bowl."
Assassin of Gor, page 120

Slave girls and eating:
"I shared breakfast with Elizabeth who informed me that it was better than the porridge below in the trough in the feeding room for female staff slaves,..."
Assassin of Gor, pages 106-107

This quote mentions the use of a ladle, and bowls...
"The slender blond girl, who had been giving men water from the skin bag, was now given the work of filling small bowls from the large wooden bowl, for the bond-maids. She used a bronze ladle...The girls, including the slender blondish girl, emptied their bowls, even to licking them, that no grain be left..."
Marauders of Gor, pages 64-65
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