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 Dances Chain Dance

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Dances Chain Dance Empty
PostSubject: Dances Chain Dance   Dances Chain Dance Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2008 9:07 am

Chain DanceChain Basics
Slave is swathed in black
Heavily veiled
The dancer appears to be trying to flee from a Warrior.
Warrior attaches a collar and chains to her.
He plays out the long chain and she seemingly tries to fight him. He keeps reeling her in more and more until she surrenders to him finally in his arms
She uses the chains to enhance the dance
Kneels, head down
Extends wrists before her
Uses the chain to highlight her slavery
Dances her chains
Dances her helplessness

This seems like it is a long dance with numerous phases. It begins with a robed and veiled woman, scared and nervous, trying to flee from some unknown pursuer. A Warrior will appear and will continually block her escape. Eventually, he will capture her, and will remove her robes and veil. She will plead desperately with him but to no avail. She will then kneel and submit to him. The Warrior will collar and chain her, using a Turian collar and a chain of about twenty feet. The girl will go out to the limit of the chain and will start to dance. At times, the Warrior will pull the chain toward him and then release the chain, though he will decrease the length of the chain. He will do this multiple times, each time signifying a different phase of the dance. Theses phases will show many different styles and emotions, from a savage dance filled with hatred to graceful and pleading. Other phases will be very slow, consisting of almost no movement except for the turning of a head or the movement of a hand. Even other phases will be defiant and swift, stately, simple, proud, and even piteous. The dance finally ends when all of the chain is gone. The Warrior will then kiss the slave and carry her off.

The figure of the woman, swathed in black, heavily veiled, descended the steps of the slave wagon. Once at the foot of the stairs she stopped and stood for a long moment. Then the musicians began, the hand drums first, a rhythm of heartbeat and flight.
To the music, beautifully, it seemed the frightened figure ran first here and then there, occasionally avoiding imaginary objects or throwing up her arms, ran as though through the crowds of a burning city alone, yet somehow suggesting the presence about her of hunted others. Now, in the background, scarcely to be seen, was the figure of a warrior in scarlet cape. He, too, in his way, though hardly seeming to move, approached, and it seemed that wherever the girl might flee there was found the warrior. And then at last his hand was upon her shoulder and she threw back her head and lifted her hands and it seemed her entire body was wretchedness and despair. He turned the figure to him and, with both hands, brushed away hood and veil.

There was a cry of delight from the crowd.
The girl's face was fixed in the dancer's stylized moan of terror, but she was beautiful. I had seen her before, of course, as had Kamchak, but it was startling still to see her thus in the firelight her hair was long and silken black, her eyes dark, the color of her skin tannish.
She seemed to plead with the warrior but he did not move. She seemed to writhe in misery and try to escape his grip but she did not.
Then he removed his hands from her shoulders and, as the crowd cried out, she sank in abject misery at his feet and performed the ceremony of submission, kneeling, lowering the head and lifting and extending the arms, wrists crossed.
The warrior then turned from her and held out one hand.
Someone from the darkness threw him, coiled, the chain and collar.
He gestured for the woman to rise and she did so and stood before him, head lowered.
He pushed up her head and then, with a click that could be heard throughout the enclosure, closed the collar-a Turian collar about her throat. The chain to which the collar was attached was a good deal longer than that of the Sirik, containing perhaps twenty feet of length.
Then, to the music, the girl seemed to twist and turn and move away from him, as he played out the chain, until she stood wretched some twenty feet from him at the chain's length. She did not move then for a moment, but stood crouched down, her hands on the chain.
I saw that Aphris and Elizabeth were watching fascinated. Kamchak, too, would not take his eyes from the woman.
The music had stopped.

Then with a suddenness that almost made me jump and the crowd cry out with delight the music began again but this time as a barbaric cry of rebellion and rage and the wench from Port Kar was suddenly a chained she-larl biting and tearing at the chain and she had cast her black robes from her and stood savage revealed in diaphanous, swirling yellow Pleasure Silk. There was now a frenzy and hatred in the dance, a fury even to the baring of teeth and snarling. She turned within the collar, as the Turian collar is designed to permit. She circled the warrior like a captive moon to his imprisoning scarlet sun, always at the length of the chain. Then he would take up a fist of chain, drawing her each time inches closer. At times he would permit her to draw back again, but never to the full length of the chain, and each time he permitted her to withdraw, it was less than the last. The dance consists of several phases, depending on the general orbit allowed the girl by the chain. Certain of these phases are very slow, in which there is almost no movement, save perhaps the turning of a head or the movement of a hand; others are defiant and swift; some are graceful and pleading; each time, as the common thread, she is drawn closer to the caped warrior. At last his fist was within the Turian collar itself and he drew the girl, piteous and exhausted, to his lips, subduing her with his kiss, and then her arms were about his neck and unresisting, obedient, her head to his chest, she was lifted lightly in his arms and carried from the firelight.
Nomads of Gor, Page 159
Chain Dance
((Example of the Chain dance
eden appears at the side of the sands. She is covered from head to toe in soft opaque silks that conceal her nubile form from prying eyes. Her bearing is regal, haughty, unconcerned as she steps about the edges of where she will soon dance. Promises of fire from within her subtle, smooth movements tease the senses. The music begins softly.
eden gasps as she sees the Master approaching, collar in hand. With a loud crashing of cymbals, the music begins to pound. Fearing his capturing gaze she turns, fleeing from him. Her covering silks flutter, pressing to her body, telling tales of her female form; ripe and firm. This way and that, she whirls, turning until she suddenly finds herself within his grip!
eden cries out, struggling as the Master rips the veil from her face, revealing porcelain skin. As soon as her veil is torn away, she ceases to struggle, silently accepting her fate. The Master snaps the loose silver collar about her neck, ordering her to strip; to show him what is his.
eden jerks back as the collar snaps shut, the long silver chain attached to the silver collar is revealed. Glaring, she shrugs off the concealing silks with an insolent air, letting them puddle at her feet, leaving her dressed only in the sheerest of red silks that mark her as a pleasure slave.
eden pulls back against the chain, her lips curling into a snarl of rage and fury. Suddenly, she is a beast, wildly clawing and fighting the chain that holds her fast. She leaps, pulling away as the Master allows the chain to slacken, giving her freedom; one link at a time.
eden whirls fast, leaping and tumbling, frantically trying to free herself of the collar and chain that tether her to the Master. She fights him as he draws her to him and then lets the chain out. Further and further away she dances, testing the bounds of her freedom. The Master is careful never to let all of the chain out. The wild music urges her on in her fierce dance.
eden dances the fierce, erotic dance of a woman untamed, rebelling against the collar. Tossing her mane of hair, fair skin glistens in her efforts as she screams out her defiance in every move; clawing the chain, pulling and fighting for what she once had. She sees the Master smile a feral grin, enjoying the challenge of the woman he commands by chain and collar.
eden circles about the Master as he guides her, pulling the chain in and then releasing it, bringing her ever closer to him. He is the center of her world; the Sun to her moon. Faster and faster, her feet fly over the sands. No longer does she fight the chain - more she fights herself and the needs within.
eden dances in closer as the Master brings her to him, controlling her at his whim. The inner fight for freedom is losing to the woman's more instinctual desire for he who commands her. Her feet pound less as she swings her hips wantonly towards him, chest heaving in her exertions.
eden now dances before the Master; a raw need in her blue-green eyes telling him her need, her want of his touch. Her hands slide over the moist scarlet silk that clings to her skin. Wanting to feel, feeling to want; her dance goes from one of feral defiance to sensuous begging. He has captured more than just her body.
eden cannot suppress a gasp as the Master grips her collar in hand, crushing her body to his as he takes her red lips in a possessive, passionate kiss. She melts her soft body to his, submitting to his demands and her need. She wraps her arms about his neck, giving all that she is with a soft moan. The music moans with her.
eden pants softly as the Master releases her from his capturing grip, allowing the woman to slip to her knees at his feet. She kneels tall and elegant, smooth thighs parted wide for the pleasure of those watching, palms facing the sky. She bows her head low as the music fades away.
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