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 Dances completed by Najah

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Join date : 2008-02-22

Dances completed by Najah Empty
PostSubject: Dances completed by Najah   Dances completed by Najah Icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2008 11:25 am

Dances completed by the kajira Najah :

dance of submission :
pole dance. :

Dance of submission :
posted by ayashe Fg {PB}

*crawls over to Master softly as her hands and knees make touch w/the hard floor. Reaching him she assumes tower as she has many times before w/her chest back, thighs together head held high, eyes lowered respectfully, and her wrists crossed In lap as if bound. She then speaks soft words to Master*
May this girl have permission to dance for you?

Jashi Master
*hearing his permission she rises to her feet swiftly, throwing him a look of sweet desire she heads over to the pit. Her heart skips a beat w/so many emotions running her body at once: fear, lust, happiness, anxiety. She watches as the firelight dances around the room coming down upon him softly. Her long,silky hair flowing in back of her causes her to slightly shudder as it flows down her back. The room smelling of anticipation to her. Nearing close to the sandpit she licks her soft lips and glances backwards towards him, her eyes sparkle brightly as she looks at him. She Turns back to the pit her heart nearly pounding out of her chest. *

*She thinks to herself as she hears the soft beat of the drum, thoughts of the future...of change. Then as she pushes the nervous and fearful thoughts out of her head a new change in her mood becomes apparent: pure confidence. With a new change in her mood her movements begin to flow from her w/the grace of a she-larl and the strength of her confidence showing through greatly. Passion inside her intensifies to please him. The heat w/in her belly starts to rise w/ferocity. She feels the blood racing her through her veins. She glances quickly at him once again w/a new, intensified look of desire and hunger. Her hips sway as silks upon her rise up and down her legs swiftly.*

*The drums beat harder as her breath quickens, and her silks cling to her body in slight perspiration. Long soft arms twist above her head as she twirls her hair hitting her face harshly. Desire and Lust rises w/in her tugging at her soul. Her full breasts rise and falling w/each movement. Stepping to the side, feeling the sand beneath the soft insole of her foot she points her toe out and slides it out and back in w/slender and grace. Her dance nearing the end she falls to the ground w/purpose. The sand clinging to her soft skin for a second she climbs up to all fours and pushes her lengthy hair behind her. Tenderly she crawls up to him as she presses into a kneel softly spreading her thighs shoulder length apart, she sudders. As she crosses her wrists as if they were bound and extends her arms up to him, Then gently lowers her head, As she smiles to herself in her complete sweet submission to him at last. She speaks softly*
This girl hopes you have found her dance pleasing
Master this girl submits herself to you fully and completly

atands up to his feet, approaching the girl in submission possition* ......Youre dance pleased my eyes, lil one. You have danced well
*leans down, and by touching Najias chin, he raises her head. Peting her hair away of her neck, and slowly place a steel Turian around her slender neck. Adjust it , and lockes the collar* .... Submission accepted, mine

Pole dance by najah
posted by ayashe Fg {PB}

: *Turning her attention back towards the pit, as she feels the grainy sand beneath her soft feet, she takes light steps towards the wooden pole in the pit. Her heart skips a beat as she nears the pole, her adrenaline rushing throughout her body. Thinking how the last dance she performed for her Master pleased him, now she thinks how she may make this dance even more pleasing than the last if possible. Watching as the light dully reflects off its wooden surface she reaches a soft arm out to delicately touch the wooden pole as it stands there strong, fearsome, and alone in the pit. As she touches it she wraps a slender hand around it, grasping it as she sinks down to her knees in front of it. She moistens her full lips slightly and presses them to the pole, kissing it. Looking back over her shoulder as her lengthy hair moves to allow her gaze to reach her Master, she looks at him hungrily and happily as she sees anticipation in his eyes she allows her gaze to linger for a second before returning to the pole in front of her.*

As she raises from her smooth knees the image of him prolonging in her mind she feels the heat in her slave belly rising w/intensity. She looks up w/raised long lashes as her ember eyes flash w/intensity. She runs her soft hands up her body enticingly as her sheer silks cling to her body. Gripping the pole she wraps a leg around it so she is gripping the wood w/her leg as she arches her back, bending her bottom leg on the ground, and then throwing her head back as her hair falls past her shoulders swaying freely. She glances at him lost in rapture, one hand drops from the pole and runs through the glowing sand and out into the air.*

*Pulling herself back up she embraces the pole as she pants like a larl in heat. She catches her breath, heat drops upon her, then swaying her hips to side to side seductively. She releases her grip on the wood as the blood returns to her knuckles she twirls around the pole only to come back to it and grip it again as she quickly drops to a squat sticking her round behind out and slowly brings her warm body upon the pole and back up Dancing as her sweet submission to her Master shines brightly through her*

*Her eyes sparkle w/hope and excitement as she takes a small step back and w/the grace of a larl drops to all fours. Crawling softly onto the hard floor leaving the pit behind w/hope that her dance pleased her Master more than before if it could she hears the beat fade off playfully. She comes to a kneel in front of her Master as her soft lashes fall and her sweet eyes drop her voice raises up to him softly* This girl hopes her dance has pleased you my Master
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